You can use Zoom to share your desktop, window, or application with meeting attendees.  If you are sharing a video or audio clip from a website such as YouTube or Spotify, the audio from that clip can be shared through Zoom as well.  To use this feature, you must have the Zoom desktop client; the "share sound during screen-share" feature is not accessible through the Zoom web client.

Sharing Screen and Audio

Note: If multiple screens are being shared, a participant must be viewing that shared screen to hear the computer audio.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is screen-sharing audio available through Zoom's web client?

  • No, sharing screen audio is not currently available on the Zoom web client. Use the Zoom Desktop App or Zoom mobile app instead.

Can I talk while screen-sharing audio?

  • Yes, you can talk and screen-share audio at the same time. You can mute yourself from talking and still leave the audio of the screen-share on. Or you can unmute yourself and talk over the screen-shared sound.

If I mute myself in Zoom while screen-sharing audio will it mute the audio as well?

  • No, Zoom's mute/unmute button will only mute/unmute your voice. Muting yourself has no impact on the audio you are screen sharing. To stop sharing the audio, you need to either pause it directly in the app (i.e. YouTube), or stop the screen-share.

How do I change the volume of screen-shared audio?

  • Sharing Computer Audio:
    1. Change the volume within the app itself (i.e. YouTube)
  • Note: Changing your computer's volume only changes the volume for yourself in the meeting. To adjust the volume for participants listening to your screen-share you need to change the volume in-app.
    A youtube video with the volume control highlighted on the lower left of the screen.

Can I still share my screen-share audio if I'm wearing headphones?

  • Yes, if wearing headphones you can still share your screen's audio. If you want to talk while screen sharing, use Zoom's mute/unmute feature.

I paused my screen-share but participants can still hear the audio.

  • When using Pause Screen-Share, your shared audio may still come through to participants via the microphone if you are using speakers.
  • If this happens, you can either pause the audio in the app at the source, or you can mute yourself on Zoom so participants do not hear the audio feedback.