To add a Form Field to a Fillable PDF Form using Power PDF Advanced

  1. Open Power PDF then open the PDF form.
  2. Click on the Forms tab.
  3. On the Forms tab, click on the type of field you want (text, numbers, radio buttons, or checkboxes).
  4. Click and drag to draw the field.

To reorder the fields so that tabbing through works correctly

  1. Open the Forms Controls panel.
  2. Expand the page on which you added the field or fields. Each field has a name. The order for tabbing matches the order of the list. In this example, text fields 9 and 10 were added last, but they should be the first fields to tab through.     
  3. Click Set Tab Order. Each field will display a number (indicating the order) and the field name.
  4. Click on the first field on the page, then the second, then the third, until you have clicked through every field in the order you want the cursor to move. 
  5. Click on a blank part of the page. the cursor should move in the correct manner.