You can start with a PDF, a Microsoft Word, or a Microsoft Excel file.

  1. Open Power PDF then open the document you want to turn into a form from within Power PDF.
  2. On the Forms tab, select FormTyper.
    • Power PDF will automatically find the individual form fields that your document will need. 
    • The fields should be highlighted gray. If they are not grey, click Highlight Fields .
  3. Remove any fields that were added in error:  
    1. Click on the Select tool .
    2. Select the field to remove.
    3. Press  Delete.
  4. Review the form to make sure all the fields are there. 
    1. Starting at the top of the form, press Tab to move through the fields.
    2.  To add a form field, click on the type of field you want (text, numbers, radio buttons, or checkboxes). Then click and drag to draw the field.